
QIs there anything the client basically needs to understand before he/she is coached?

ICF defines coaching as follows:
Partnering with Clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

The client comes to the coach hoping for change.
Coaching is what you are trying to change, your behaviors and your humanity, which are also indispensable soft skills for 21st century executives.

The client’s willingness to change and grow through coaching is important, and the coach encourages the client to act to support the client’s transformation. It is the responsibility of the client to take full responsibility, not to blame others when something
happens. Autonomy and awareness are important for coaching.

QThe material downloaded from your HP provided us with a very good understanding of the definition of coaching, why executive coaching is necessary for leaders in the 21st century , what the role of the client is, the features of your program, the flow of pre-work and regular sessions, etc. What does the client do in pre-work?

Pre-work is a period of preparation to improve the performance of the coaching project.
Clients know themselves through MBTI®, understand coaching and clients’ role, and develop visions, goals, and strategies for coaching projects. In addition, they can read the assignment books and proceed with other programs themselves.

QHow long does the pre-work take?

Usually about 3 weeks.

QWhere can I find the preparation materials that clients need to receive a coaching program?

As soon as the chemistry checking between the coach and the client is over, the client will download them from our HP. MBTI® will be given separately.

QPlease tell us about the pre-work before moving to the regular session, which is one of the features of your executive coaching program.
First, what is the manager request form?

We ask the client’s manager to write down how they want the client to grow through this coaching, what the challenges are, what behavioral characteristics they want them to acquire, whether they want them to improve, and whether they want them to stop.
The client and the manager will have a discussion based on the sheet and form a consensus.

QWhat is the content of the sweep program(amount of time invested every month?)?

When the client transforms through coaching, it requires more energy than usual. Change requires lots of energy.

We may have some worries or concerns in our daily lives. They are incomplete and a depriving us of our energy, no matter how small.

This program is a program to prevent energy leaks from clients, get things done, and as a result strengthen the personal foundation. This program collects the competencies of successful people in various fields around the world and narrows them down to 100 common competencies. The program consists of four categories: personal environment, health status, financial status, and relationships, each with 25 items.

The client first checks the items he thinks he has completed. After the first check, the client will select and complete 5 items each week. If only two can be completed in a week, the remaining three will be carried over to the next week and two new ones will be added.

The more checked, the less energy the client leaks and the more solid the personal foundation. In that case, the client can use enough energy to transform himself through coaching. Many feel that they have a stronger personal foundation in them than ever before, and they will take on more challenges.

This program is personal to the client. For many, it takes six months to a year or even more to complete 100 items.

QHow many books are they expected to read?

Usually about 5 books.

QIs the performance measurement sheet given to stakeholders or is this only for C-Suit?

The performance rating sheet is used to get feedback from stakeholders.

The sheet is created by the client based on the manager request form, with the support of the coach. If the client already has the result of a 360-degree survey, the client and the coach will refer to that as well.

The sheet includes coaching project visions, goals, strategies (competencies to gain, improve, or stop to attain the goals) and tactics (simple actions you can start today to habituate your competencies).

The client completes the sheet during pre-work period, shares it with about five stakeholders selected by the client, and asks them to check what percentage of each action is currently being done. The client posts the result checked by the stakeholders to the template of the Excel rating sheet. This is done at the start of the project, as well as the mid and end points.

In addition to the above, the client receives suggestions at the start of the project and suggestions and feedback from stakeholders at the mid and end points enabling quantitative and qualitative analysis of the client’s performance.

Excel sheet results are shared with the client, coach, client’s manager and HR.

Regular Sessions

QFor the twice-a-month regular coaching sessions – are these 30min, 60 min, or 90min?

90 min.

Sustain Period

QFor the sustain period of monthly coaching – is this 30min. 60min, or 90min?

Usually 60 min.

QIt is said that the sustain period after the regular session is optional, in what cases do other companies choose it?

The client may need to have a sustain period to ensure that the changes that occur during the semi-annual regular sessions are anchored to the client. Sustain period is optional and the cost is about 55-60% of the coaching program.

Some of Fortune 100 companies want a one-year coaching program with a set of regular sessions and sustain period from the beginning so that changes that happen to clients do not go back and waste their coaching investment.